According to German laws, I am obligated to publish personal data about me here. More specifically, § 5 TMG and § 55 Sect. 2 RStV force me to state my full name as well as a postal address on this page. An anonymous mailbox is thereby not sufficient.

I see this as an intrusion into my personal data protection rights, since I don’t want the whole world to know where I live. That’s why I deny publishing this information here.

If you have a legitimate interest in obtaining this data, please do not hesitate to write me an e-mail or contact me via one of the several other ways stated on the home page.

PGP Fingerprint: A165 96DC 1051 212F 97EC 8280 DB0F 579A 2731 347A1

In general, I favor the obligation to have an imprint for business-like websites, meaning a natural or legal person earning money with or through this website. However, the definition for “business-like” is very fluent in German law, and the imprint obligation already applies when contents are “usually delivered against payment”. I am not earning any money with this website – and I don’t have any intention in doing so.

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